United House Church
Sundays 9-11 AM
1729 N 4th St, Harrisburg
United House Church is a group of people making disciples and planting churches in the city of Harrisburg.
We are devoted to pursuing God through Scripture, prayer, and teaching.
We are devoted to loving our neighbors through service, outreach, and hospitality.
Here's a snapshot of how we live this out:
"House church" is a way to describe a church that meets in a home and plans to continue doing so. When we grow, we meet in more houses instead of moving into a bigger space. It's simply a choice of approach!
"Community living" is a way to describe choosing to live in close proximity as others we're sharing life with. We believe we can love and be known more fully in this context!
Join us as we read through the Scriptures together!
We gather in small "discipleship groups" in addition to our weekly meeting, where we encourage each other and discuss the readings for the week.
Give online to UHC:
Let us know how we can pray for you, or reach out and we'll find a time to meet up.